New Books and Sundry
We just got the newest edition of Our Bodies, Ourselves for our library collection so you don't use the old edition and actually try leeches as a cure for the vapors.
We got in several books about the Israeli/Palestinian Apartheid in honor of the 60th anniversary of Al-Nakba:
- Blaming the Victims: Spurious Scholarships and the Palestinian Question by Christopher Hitchens and Edward Said
- New Intifada: Resisting Israel's Apartheid, Edited by Roane Carey with a Foreword by Noam Chomsky
- Peace Under Fire: Israel, Palestine, and the International Solidarity Movement edited by members of the International Solidarity Movement
We also got a bunch of other great new books, so come by!
In stock now:
Abolition Democracy by Angela Davis, All Power To The People by Nuh Washington, Anarchism: Arguments For and Against, Are Prisons Obsolete?, Assata, Breaking Free: The Adventures of TinTin, Carnival of Fury, Chomsky on Anarchism, Detroit I Do Mind Dying, Doris: An Anthology, Free Women Of Spain, Government in the Future by Chomsky, Living My Life Vol. 1 by Emma Goldman, No Surrender by David Gilbert, On The Justice of Roosting Chickens by Ward Churchill, Possibilities by David Graeber, Race Treason Behind Prison Walls, The Revolution of Everyday Life, Situationist International Anthology, The Subversion of Politics, What is Anarchism? by Alexander Berkman, Wild Fermentation, Hatred of Capitalism: A Semiotext(e) Reader, Whores and Other Feminists, Society of the Spectacle, and The IWW Little Red Song Book.
Those are all new books, and there's even more. SO.... come buy a book for you or a friend!
We got in several books about the Israeli/Palestinian Apartheid in honor of the 60th anniversary of Al-Nakba:
- Blaming the Victims: Spurious Scholarships and the Palestinian Question by Christopher Hitchens and Edward Said
- New Intifada: Resisting Israel's Apartheid, Edited by Roane Carey with a Foreword by Noam Chomsky
- Peace Under Fire: Israel, Palestine, and the International Solidarity Movement edited by members of the International Solidarity Movement
We also got a bunch of other great new books, so come by!
In stock now:
Abolition Democracy by Angela Davis, All Power To The People by Nuh Washington, Anarchism: Arguments For and Against, Are Prisons Obsolete?, Assata, Breaking Free: The Adventures of TinTin, Carnival of Fury, Chomsky on Anarchism, Detroit I Do Mind Dying, Doris: An Anthology, Free Women Of Spain, Government in the Future by Chomsky, Living My Life Vol. 1 by Emma Goldman, No Surrender by David Gilbert, On The Justice of Roosting Chickens by Ward Churchill, Possibilities by David Graeber, Race Treason Behind Prison Walls, The Revolution of Everyday Life, Situationist International Anthology, The Subversion of Politics, What is Anarchism? by Alexander Berkman, Wild Fermentation, Hatred of Capitalism: A Semiotext(e) Reader, Whores and Other Feminists, Society of the Spectacle, and The IWW Little Red Song Book.
Those are all new books, and there's even more. SO.... come buy a book for you or a friend!