SRLC Welcoming Committee BBQ, this Saturday!
Have you heard about the SRLC Welcoming Committee? We are a coalition of New Orleans individuals and groups (including the Committee to Save Charity Hospital) coming together to welcome the Southern Republican Leadership Committee to New Orleans by letting them and the world know what we think of Republican governor Bobby Jindal's ruthless assaults on Louisiana healthcare and education. We're throwing a big ol' Second Line on Friday, April 9th, at 5:30 at Lafayette Square Park, and we'd love to see you there.
In the meantime, please help us organize and plan, to make this the best event it can possibly be. You can find our meeting schedule, as well as lots of flyers and other info, at the SRLC Welcoming Committee website . We would love the involvement of more people and more groups. Our coalition is steadily growing!
Please bring yourself, and as much banner/sign/craft supplies as you can gather, and also all your artsy friends and their supplies. This is a lovely thing to do on a Saturday!

We're meeting at the Rail, Friday at 4 pm and Monday at 8 pm, but more importantly, please join us Saturday at 2pm for a glorious time making and eating BARBECUE and also making but not eating SIGNS and BANNERS for the Second Line!
Please bring yourself, and as much banner/sign/craft supplies as you can gather, and also all your artsy friends and their supplies. This is a lovely thing to do on a Saturday!
Labels: action, enemies, events, fight the power, friends, newports, nopd, organizing, power moves, RTS, state of the union
NOC will be try make it out there for this!
Way to shoutdown the racist repugs fridaynight
Now that it is over, I can't wait until the members of your half assed group of wannabe revolutionaries who beat the couple outside of the restaurant are caught and end up in a prison cell.
Yeah I was hoping some ignorant Marxist would take the bait what's cool is it's too big for nope to ignor and these scum bags will do some time. Way to go for your movment you showed em all GOOD JOB
i can't wait until these half-assed revolutionaries go after the wrong people--legally armed americans who will respond to a 5-on-1 fight with some hollow points.
They're talking about your ambush tactics at Freerepublic...
"Anyone who has ever looked into a mirror knows what this crime is and what it means in terms of lost control when the reflection no longer obeys..."
IS THIS A CLUE???? Sure seems like it. The strings are unravelling slowly!
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