Sunday, December 27, 2009

Anarchist Authors, Plays, and Movies Coming Soon!

Movie, 8 pm... The Angola 3: Black Panthers and the Last Slave Plantation.
Free! Free All Prisoners!

Anarchism and Fiction!!! 7pm! Free!
quoting the (gorgeous) flyer: "A Brief and Arguably En­tertaining Evening With
Marga­ret Killjoy, editor of Mythmak­ers & Lawbreakers. Discuss the role of
storytelling in the an­archist movement. Learn about novelist assassins,
post-colonial african squatters, writers who fought in revolutions and went on
to write childrens’ stories. Find out what Tolkien, Camus, Orwell, and Kafka
have to say about anarchism!"

Movie, 7:30 pm... El Topo/The Mole
Free! Info aqui!

Movie, 8 pm... "Cannibal the Musical" :x Free.

Movie, 7:30 pm... Ay Carmela!
If I could reliably do upside-down exclamation points, you'd probably have
already unsubscribed, because these newsletters would be frickin' littered with
'em. There'd definitely be at least 8 or nine before the title of this film.

Play, Music, Didacticism... "ULYSSES' CREWMEN"
Insurgent Theater memorably kicked off 2009 with "Paint the Town" at Zeitgeist.
Now, they're coming back to Gnu Gnarlins for 2010 with another exciting,
thought-provoking original play. This new work is centered on insurrection, for
anyone who's ever contemplated the subject.

There will also be LIVE MUSIC from LOCAL MUSICIANS. If you are one and can play
without being eviction-inducingly overloud, holler back via electronical mail
and let's maybe put you on the bill.

Movie and more, 8 pm... "RIOT ACTS: Flaunting Gender Variance in Music
A transfabulous rockumentary! Smash the gender binary over a speaker cabinet.
With filmmaker and fearless fighter-of-the-good-fight Simon Strikeback on hand!

Beehive Collective presentation? Security culture teach-in? Social Night?
Functioning Iron Rail telephone? You'll be the first to know, compadres... stay

Each Wednesday at 8pm's the Rail's open collective meeting... come by and see us,
come by and be us. Now's a great time to get involved. We're maybe not
foundering quite as precipitously as previously, so bandwagon it like the
Saints! More is better always and in every regard.

Each Thursday at 7:30's LADIES' NITE! Ladies loud, boys disallowed. Skill
shares, movies, conversation and maybe a wee spot o' drinkin'. For those who
gender-identify as women. Join for
latest info and updates, or find 'em on the Facebook.

Revolution Now? Revolution Now! <3

Thursday, December 17, 2009


Friday the 18 at ye olde Ironne Raille, get a big flaming megadose of unapologetic unvanilla queerness courtesy of late brit icon of same, Quentin Crisp. Adapted from Crisps's memoirs, John Hurt (note: not Mississippi John Hurt) demolishes taboos and titillates the modern audience in this uproarious 1975 award-winning flick... an ultra-rarity too hott to miss.

7:30 pm... free to everyone, except dudes who smell overwhelmingly like poo. Sorry. New policies.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Climate Ground Zero to speak at the Rail

Monday, December 14! 7:30 PM! Film, presentation, all type of thing. 
 Free & open to the publick...  Click image for larger flyer
One of the presenters writes:


Climate Ground Zero doea non-violent direct action in west virginia against mountaintop removal in appalachia. climate ground zero uses a variety of tactics, from rallies and marches and sit-ins to lockdowns to mining equipment and tree-sits. we work to raise awareness and bring publicity to the issue of mountaintop removal and coal and its direct effect on carbon emissions and the growing climate crisis. mountaintop removal devastates both the environment and people of appalachia; it poisons the groundwater and headsprings for the rivers which supply drinking water for the entire northeast region, wipes out indigenous species, demolishes some of the oldest and most biodiverse mountains in the world, and brings countless health problems to the people who live near mountaintop removal and coal processing sites.

Much of climate ground zero's focus is presently on coal river mountain, the last untouched peak in the coal river valley. massey energy very recently began blasting on coal river mountain; we're working hard on actions to stop work and bring attention to sustainable wind energy as alternatives to coal. the coal river wind project aims to put wind turbines on coal river mountain instead of blowing up the mountain for coal; this would provide permanent, green jobs in contrast to the few short-term mining jobs that would be available in destroying the mountain for coal.

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Saturday, December 12, 2009

Buy Stuff, Wrap It Up, Give It Away. Ask to borrow it the next week.

It's almost chrissmas, or whatever it was you celebrated as a kid. You so gotta buy your people their presents from the Iron Rail, and support this place's existence! Don't make us have to rise from the dead, too!

Everyone loves a good book, a nice pin, a zine, a 2010 Slingshot Organizer, or their very own Palestinian Kuffiyeh.

Don't mess this up or Jesus will hunt you down and burn you alive with his lazer-beam eyeballs. Write it down now so you don't forget, and you're friends never talk to you again.

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Monday, December 7, 2009

Free Tuesday Movie Night waxes strong: Your Tuesdays belong to the Rail

Dec 8th Desperate living
Dec 15th Disney in espanol (7:30 pm)
Dec 22th TBA(random Christmas something)
Dec 29th The angola 3: Black Panthers and the Last Slave Plantation
Jan 5th El Topo/The Mole (7:30 pm)
Jan 12th Cannibal the musical (must be seen to be believed)
Jan 19th Ay carmela (7:30 pm)

All movies are FREE! and those not otherwise marked start at 8pm. See you there!

For more details on the Spanish-language movies, check this post right here


Friday, December 4, 2009

A Coming-Winter-Storms Letter............

Winter sky is dirty laundry, planet desaturated; Starlings leave the trees en masse. Out past the roof's angle, birds pepper cloudbank. Swirling shreds of spilled tobacco, their bodies become an amoebic jumble, twisting like smoke into... is that... a pattern? A shape? Impossible! The vast flock tightens, coalescing, forming the unmistakeable sillhouette of an....


This is the bad time, the frozen hibernal heart of death's own season. It's frickin' miserable, & when the going gets tough, the prose gets purple. What to do? how to survive? Suggestions follow:

SUNDAY, DECEMBER 6 <-- a big daaaay RECORD SWAP! Lobby of the Rail 1PM-5PM. FREE. Remember the 80s? I don't; I'm too young. Tell me, were there cars back then? Could women vote? I'm curious about such days of yore. Were there humungous novelty frisbees that only stored like 10 songs? Is this true? LOLz! People really had those? Let us verify or disprove this cultural apocrypha by attending the massive and eagerly anticipated RECORD SWAP! at the IRON RAIL. There will be an abundance of obsolete media storage formats, ranging from the 8-track & cassette tapes of our great-grampas' days to those shinier things that are like wack, low-capacity DVDs... Compact Disks, I think my auntie calls them. Yes, all sorts of folks are pumped up about this, and for good reason. If you want FEWER RECORDS than you have, MORE RECORDS than you have, or DIFFERENT RECORDS than you have, for sure come by on Sunday to buy, sell, and trade records/tapes/etc... or be extra awesome and just give the damn stuff away! Bring a table! Browse a wide selection... so many genres, so many decades, so many different people to be.

On same daaaay....
MASSAGE! The Rail, also 3-7 pm. Pay what you can! Want to see a roomful of jaded, sullen burnouts begin giggling and squirming like they were adolescents in sex ed class? Just tell them "Asher's going to be giving massages." His hands are legendary, his training is professional, and his touch will change your life. He will be present with his massage chair giving pay-what-you-can massages. No price would be too high, for realz; Asher's wicked good at what he does. He will be on hand from Three to Seven in the PM.

BOOKS 2 PRISONERS WORKNIGHT Nowe Miasto, 4-7PM This isn't at the Rail per se, but it's 100% Rail-endorsed. Books 2 Prisoners has experienced a glorious renaissance; NOW is the time to parasitically attach yourself and ride their cresting wave of mega-success!

Iron Rail Movie Night RETURNS!... en Espanol.
Película de Disney / Some Disney Movie
8PM. FREE. Iron Rail Book Collective
Disney hace lo mejor doblado (hay que entrar a las cabezas de los jóvenes de
todas las lenguas). Entonces vengan y vuelvan a vivir una memoria sórdida de
su niñez y cantamos. Hay varios, entonces vamos a hacer el voto.

*There was a fun party on Monday; see the details at

*Our pals over at Hot Iron Press were kind enuf to plug the Rail & the 'Zine
Library in "ReadyMade" magazine's December issue. Kyle & Jenny are hardworking
artists who do a lot, and we appreciate the juice. To see the article for
yourself, shoplift a copy of the magazine from the Borders on St. Charles.

*People wanna start doing Iron Rail Social Nites, because... that's... a very
appealing idea. We're looking to coordinate with some other local folks, maybe
Ashe, maybe that Gay & Lesbian center over by Frenchmen. There will be food,
folks and fun. Interested in helping? Come by a meeting!

*On January 3, the Iron Rail presents Margaret Killjoy in an evening of ANARCHY AND FICTION, including readings from "Mythmakers and Lawbreakers," edited by
Killjoy hirself & newly published by AK Press. This book looks good. "Learn
about novelist assassins, post-colo­nial african squatters, writers who fought
in revolutions and went on to write childrens’ stories!" More details about
this event, before it happens... Print Out The Pretty Flyer.

*Also coming up soon (though dates still TBD) the Rail will host a roadshow from
Climate Ground Zero. They do non-violent direct action in West Virginia to help
stop mountaintop removal coal mining. What is "non-violent direct action"? Is
that like, levitating the pentagon? Can't wait to find out!

*Hopefully we will also soon be having a teach-in about security culture and how
best to deal with those pesky snoopy indictin'-ass federales. Details TK...

*Every Wednesday at 8pm the collective drags its constituent carcasses into the
Rail for our open-to-everyone Collective Meetings. These are a blast. New
volunteers are welcome; everyone's welcome.

*Every Thursday at 7:30pm is Iron Rail Ladies' Nite, a time and place for
females and female-identified persons only. For this week's plans or other
info, write

Hang in there. Winter's a motherfucker all 'round.
Sunsets come at 3 pm,
wind whips off the river,
lips too chapped for kissing,
bicyclists a-shiver,
"warm" clothes smell like mold and dog pee,
heat bills eat up all your money.

When everyone you like's in jail... come volunteer, down at the Rail!

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Protest tonight @ Tony Moran's

ROC-NOLA writes:

Restaurant Workers Continue Protests in front of Tony Moran’s Restaurant

This week we will be holding another protest in front of Tony Moran’s Restaurant to increase public pressure and awareness of workers’ demands. Please come stand with us this Friday night to demand that this restaurant finally respond to demands for payment of wages withheld, and to allegations of a discriminatory and segregated workplace!

The Restaurant Opportunities Center of New Orleans (ROC-NOLA) is a members-based organization dedicated to fighting for better working conditions for area restaurant workers. Members of ROC-NOLA launched a workplace justice campaign in October, and management still refuses to respond. Help us to increase our presence at these weekly actions so that they will have no choice but to answer to the demands of their workers!

We will be holding weekly actions in front of the restaurant until our demands are met, and those who still work at this restaurant get the working conditions they deserve! Dignity, respect and pay for our work is not an option!
Information about this week's action follows:
DATE: Friday, December 4th
TIME: 8:00PM (please meet beforehand at location listed below)**
WHERE: Tony Moran’s Restaurant (out front, Bourbon St. side) 240 Bourbon St

**We will be meeting starting at 7:30pm at the 100 block of Carondelet Street, near the intersection of Canal, to then walk over to Tony Moran’s Restaurant together by 8:00PM.

For more information, please contact (504) 344-9495, or . For additional information and footage from this campaign, please go to and type in key words ROC NOLA and workplace justice.