Friday, June 26, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Movie Night
TONIGHT (Tuesday) 8:00PM (FREE)
More than a simple portrait of an artist, this documentary about
celebrated Canadian photographer Edward Burtynsky is also an examination of industrialization and globalization. Known for finding strange beauty in large industrial vistas, Burtynsky searches for great shots on trips to China and Bangladesh. In contrast to his seemingly
impersonal aesthetic, the film focuses on individuals, revealing the dreariness and dangers of industrial work.
More than a simple portrait of an artist, this documentary about

impersonal aesthetic, the film focuses on individuals, revealing the dreariness and dangers of industrial work.
Monday, June 15, 2009

But what's missing from this rollicking good time?
YOU, that's what! Your input, ideas, and helpfulness!
The summer is here, and there are all kinds of fun and interesting projects afoot. Our collective meetings are open to all, and it would be great to meet you. Join in and be a part of the ever-evolving, defiantly streaky-haired Iron Rail!
And be sure to catch Tuesday's excellent movie...

Général Idi Amin Dada: Autoportrait (1974)
Tuesday 8:00 PM Free
Uganda's dictator, General Idi Amin Dada, accepts a foreign crew's request to interview and film him. He talks to the camera about his outreach to Arab nations, his goal of eradicating Israel, his views on economic policy, and his views of Nixon, Kissinger, and other world leaders. We also see him dressing down his ministers at a cabinet meeting (two weeks after this meeting, the foreign minister, whom Amin criticizes here, is murdered), supervising a war-game simulation of an invasion of Israel, visiting a village, and addressing a conclave of Ugandan physicians.
More here:
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Robb! Controller of the past & future Aboveground Zine Archive & international I.R. advocate. Derrick! A man who CAN INDEED be bothered to get on his rusted granny bike with two bald tires etc. etc. and table shows 8 nights a week. Both, both these tireless star employees of the tiresome Iron Rail franchise TOGETHER! Both! Both synergistically grace the pages of June 2009's ANTIGRAVITY (one word) magazine with their insights and advice!
It's great stuff! And
If you can't find the issue in print for some reason, it's available here:
It's great stuff! And
If you can't find the issue in print for some reason, it's available here:
Labels: power moves
Monday, June 8, 2009
Film nights have been resurrected over the weekend. Our film this week is a documentary about crazed Catholic janitor Henry Darger, who spend his life, like many Catholics, writing thousands of pages of insanity no one will ever read. But come see the movie!
June 9: In the Realms of the Unreal (2004)
By day, Henry Darger was a reclusive janitor who had few -- if any -- friends. But at night, he became a literary artist with a unique vision. Darger's 15,000-page novel is a wonderland of imagination as it details the exploits of seven angelic sisters who lead a rebellion against child-enslaving men. Featuring the voices of Dakota Fanning and Larry Pine and the work of talented animators, this film tells the story of Darger's hidden world.
June 9: In the Realms of the Unreal (2004)
By day, Henry Darger was a reclusive janitor who had few -- if any -- friends. But at night, he became a literary artist with a unique vision. Darger's 15,000-page novel is a wonderland of imagination as it details the exploits of seven angelic sisters who lead a rebellion against child-enslaving men. Featuring the voices of Dakota Fanning and Larry Pine and the work of talented animators, this film tells the story of Darger's hidden world.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
until further notice.
We don't have a computer to play them on. I apologize for the short notice, but I thought I would have a desktop I could put together to play it on tonight, but it powers off randomly (as in every minute or so) I no longer have a laptop, so unless someone steps up with one, there are no more movies.
We don't have a computer to play them on. I apologize for the short notice, but I thought I would have a desktop I could put together to play it on tonight, but it powers off randomly (as in every minute or so) I no longer have a laptop, so unless someone steps up with one, there are no more movies.
Monday, June 1, 2009

If you know collective member Mike, you are likely as fond of him as I am. Mike has been an anchor-- a cornerstone-- of the Rail's existence for quite a while now.
WHAT THE FUCK ARE WE GOING TO DO WITHOUT HIM? For serious, we are experiencing a critical volunteer shortage!!
But in any case, it's Mike's birthday today-- he's turning 35 or so-- and if you're down for a small, low-key informal dinner gathering to honor one of the collective's Most Valuable Playerz tonight around 8 p.m., holler at me or Gina or "westbank reppin'"
We love ya Mike...
Labels: events, failure to open, film night, hero of the hour