This is going to be quick, because I have to hurry help prepare for tonight's IRON RAIL HOLIDAY PARTY, which I neither think sounds fun nor plan to attend. If you are less of an asshole than I, contact an Iron Rail Collective member for details or swing by the Iron Rail itself before 7 p.m. I'm sure someone will give you the 411.
Moving on: SUNDAY, January the ELEVENTH, (postponed from the 10th) there is going to be a NoLa RiSiNg PaInT PaRtY in the 3000 block of St. Peter.
Why? To support Willow Schroeder, a local artist whose scumbag gentrifying neighbors moved in across the street and then decided they didn't like the house they'd moved in across the street from because it artistically commemorates Willow's son who got shot to death.
Willow's bullying, ugly persecutors, the Taylors, are as bad as it gets. They're working hand in hand with scumbag Robert Mendoza at City Hall to try to destroy Schroeder's life. Already Schroeder has been forced to make alterations and tear down some of her work... but villainous monsters like the Taylors cannot be appeased.
To learn about this ongoing anti-art, anti-artist outrage, visit or read this choice-quote-laden article from the Times-Pic.
We at the Iron Rail salute NoLa Rising for helping draw attention and publicity to Schroeder's persecution, and stand in solidarity with ALL artists against the oppression of the state and the conformist would-be-dominance of "people" like the Taylors.
This is not at all a direct action... it's more like a fund-raiser kind of thing... but please do come by JANUARY 11, SUNDAY at ONE PM to help out or at least get more acquainted with Schroeder's work and her struggle... who knows what kind of interesting ideas you might get?
Labels: art, enemies, events, fred radtke, the war goes on
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