But has this specific thing ever happened before, anywhere? In any other city in the world, have these two international super-monsters of politically aware street art hit the same corner, the exact same spot, within weeks of each other, to the point where you have Swoon's trademark paper cutouts wheatpasted DIRECTLY on Banksy's stenciled spraypaint? What are the odds of that? I love you, New Orleans, I love you so much, every day.
Background on Swoon: Swoon discusses street art vs. museums, Swoon talks about her influences
Labels: fred radtke, hero of the hour, love
Normally for these blog posts I grab images from anywhere I can find them and use them without attribution-- it's the internet, and I just don't fucking care-- but in this case I would like to direct anyone interested to the source of the pics used in this post (and, if memory serves, also in others in the past): He's an artist named anthonyturducken who not only produces cool work hisself but is also a tireless visual chronicler of interesting / valuable New Orleania.
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