the islands
I do still sometimes think of you. When I'm listening to Diamond Head or Grim Reaper, the kind of shit nobody else except you ever really appreciated-- and it's night-time, and maybe I'm caffeinated, it's not so hard to drift back there:
Driving the beat-to-hell (but still V6 balls-out) Camry, both of us drunk as lords, wheeling wildly among the glinting neon night-time surf shops and resort hotels of the islands. Always on the way to somewhere, and I can still see you in the passenger seat, bare feet on the dash, chugging Sparks Light, tossing the cans out the windows, arguing about something, complaining about something, hating something together-- didn't it sustain us? wallowing in the sea air, the repeating sidewalkless cul-de-sacs and Super-Mario-World hyperreal landscaping, everything framed against the massive, serene, dolphin-infested bathtub of the Gulf of Mexico.
Inter-island drawbridges, touristy "pirate" ships, squalid overpriced fish shacks where the staff all fucked each other, ten hundred food-service jobs, delivery, retail, photography, deckhand, covering ribbon cuttings and zoning disputes, 10 articles a week under silly fake names, scamming free meals for advertorial write-ups. Didn't we live large? Trashing one sublet after another, ruining acres of carpet with blenders of slushy day-glo, insane glittering-sun hangovers, blown deadlines and bold long-necked white birds, swerving back home across floodlit causeways after a night raising hell at the only cool bar that wouldn't card you, fighting about who flirted with whom, ferocious drunken sex that settled nothing, or waking up bleary facedown on the beach, or lawn, or condominium parking lot.
God how good it was, hunched over the iMac, so far gone I had to cover one eye to write, pounding out a profile of a senior-center inhabitant for Tuesday's edition while you were out fucking the girl from the tattoo shop, and the stereo so loud it shook the walls, so loud I couldn't hear the cops hammering on the door, and the money from the house sale steadily dwindling, emptying out the IRA,
each condo smaller than the previous, then to apartments, then sharing a room in a converted garage that flooded, ruining your record collection. How broke we went! The gun shows, the palmettos all over our walls, the emerald lizards and noon-time downpours, hands shaking for hair of the dog, hustling short money out of leathery "swingers," Western Union from the exes, laughing with each other at our audacity.
Didn't we have fun? Horrible parties at your horrible co-workers' horrible apartments-- meth, bong hits, playstation 2 and Rap-Metal-- absolutely no control, landlord after landlord, employer after employer, and never my fault, never yours, always the hateful world's. What a team we were, darling, what an amazing team.

God how good it was, hunched over the iMac, so far gone I had to cover one eye to write, pounding out a profile of a senior-center inhabitant for Tuesday's edition while you were out fucking the girl from the tattoo shop, and the stereo so loud it shook the walls, so loud I couldn't hear the cops hammering on the door, and the money from the house sale steadily dwindling, emptying out the IRA,

Labels: i remember, music
Just a thought: I've added the Rail blog to my list but I mostly read it on my phone browser, and colored type is just unreadable in that format.
another thought:
some have said the mighty d-bloc should start it's own blog, so that when people come to the iron rail blog to find out what's up at the rail they are not confronted with pages of often verging on offensive stories from the life of a maniac. movie nights, new books, events, etc, is what a new blog visitor will be looking for. whether or not this is a good suggestion or not, i figured i'd bring up that it has been mentioned to me by a few people.
I would never start my own blog; I fucking hate blogs. I hate the internet in general, with the heat of a hundred suns.
But I would have no problem ceasing to post in the Iron Rail blog if other collective members felt I should.
Honestly, I wouldn't in the least object to or be upset by other members of the collective asking me to stop posting, and to the contrary would cheerfully delete from this blog every single entry I've ever written in it.
Let the Iron Rail Blog be a calm, D-Block-less place of white-on-black announcements and updates. Collective meeting is tomorrow at 8 p.m.!
it would also be a sad place with no personality other than that most-often seen vampire, the rapacious business-oriented corporate-personhood that constitutes every businesses relationship with it's "customers" (as opposed to "humans," who'd be allowed to have complicated, non-exchange based relationships with the people at a store as human beings and not as "customers" and "businesspeople"). d-bloc is but one bloc of iron rail's tower of greatness. may it live forever. the iron rail will see the unwinding of every twisted tangled web of oppression before it's very eyes, as d-bloc reminisces about puking on bourbon and punching yuppies. it will be glorious!
ok, this is really well written!
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