The Mighty, Mighty D-BLOC has made an offer you can't refuse! If any collective member can get their picture on Glenn Beck's website as an adherent to his Twelve Virtues and Nine Principles (12/9 for short - and no I don't think Mr Beck means that to be mathematical) - he'll commit to the largess of purchasing you a drink, at your choice of locations.
Having had the pleasure of being anointed with a cheap bottle of whiskey by D-BLOC in the recent past, I'll leave this contest to more deserving entrepreneurs.
But I must say something about Mr Beck's stunning graphic depicting his latest moral exhortations to his seemingly ever-expanding and unfortunate audience. I LOVE it!
The graphic, clearly channeling a potent don't tread on me-ness, features our famous rattlesnake, sliced into 9 parts, each piece clearly mapped to each of the 9 principles, with "12" pointing at the rattle! Then underneath it says "UNITE!" Powerful stuff.
Though I'm confused about which of the nine values becomes prime once the snake unites ... or do they all?! Or does it unite? And wait, it says "unite. or die" but isn't a hacked up rattlesnake already dead anyway? And is it safe to tread on, now that it's been hacked to pieces? And what happens to the twelve principles? Does it become some zombie amalgam of Virtues and Principles? Wouldn't a worm have been better, since when a worm is cut up, it's still alive? And where does the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People fit into this? The Three C's? Sam Wal's Five S's? The Ten Commandments? P & Q's? I'm so confused Mr. Beck. I do know one thing though: WE ARE GOING TO NEED A SHITLOAD OF HACKED UP SNAKES!!!!
P.S. I'll be attending the Glenn Beck Nine Principles / Twelve Virtues / We Surround Them "meetup" this afternoon, as a secret agent, and I'll have my camera with me. This is partly a penitence for missing this weeks collective meeting.
Labels: tim
OK so it's from the "Join or Die" graphic, but it's still stupid.
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