ethyl doze the planet in an attempt to keep downtown clean

Pardon Our Regress
(top secret government toppling plans)
Hello, Iron Rail Patrons!
It has fallen to me, as the voice of the internet to announce that the Iron Rail has decided to expand our space to nearly twice the size of the original footprint. Here are some highlights of the expansion you may be interested in!
- Effigy Construction and Burning Room. There will soon be a room with lots of craft and construction materials for you to construct an effigy of anyone or anything. The room will be completely self contained and will fit 2-4 people (including effigy). This room is open for self expressionistic art, gris gris, or mannequin making.
- New Computer Lab. Community members have deemed the Iron Rail an appropriate place for donation of their old computers. Hurray! What does this mean? This means we'll have a dedicated computer lab with up to 10 computers with free internet access.
- No More Myspace. Several collective members have voiced concerns with myspace. These concerns range from the fact that myspace censors speech on their sites to myspace's parent company being FOX, an extremely Right Wing media outlet, enemy of freedom, justice and enemy of working people all the world over. Some collective members would like to eliminate or limit myspace access in the library. If you use the computers in the Iron Rail and would like to comment on the potential elimination (or limitation) of myspace access in the Iron Rail please come to meetings, voice your opinion to the collective member on duty or post as a comment to this blog entry.
- Security Cameras. Security Cameras have been ordered and will be installed in the space. Some of these security cameras will be visible, many of them won't be visible. We will be watching you, so don't try anything.
- Doggie Daycare center. Do you have a dog you like to bring into Iron Rail? Are you just too tired from chilling out all day to give your dog water when you get to Iron Rail? If you answered, "Yes," to either of these questions, you'll be super stoked to learn that soon Iron Rail will have a doggie daycare on premises all the time. You bring your dog in, we'll let it fight with other dogs, bark, and generally not bother collective members or visitors in our secluded doggie daycare space! We'll even give your dog water (heck, we do that already!).
CoConspirator Tim has arranged for the viewing of MOVIES in the months of March and April. The March Movies ARE:
- 3.4 THE GLEANERS AND I [some will see only junk, and there will be those who see a cluster of possibilities]
- 3.11 HOT FUZZ [Big Cops. Small Town. Moderate Violence.]
- 3.18 WHY WE FIGHT [It is nowhere written that the American empire goes on forever.]
- 3.25 LIE [On the Long Island Expressway there are lanes going east, lanes going west, and lanes going straight to hell.]
Raspberry Reich, Shortbus,
Holy Mountain, Scorpio Rising,
Boys Beware,
Holy Mountain, Scorpio Rising,
Boys Beware,
This past month has sucked. I turned a frightfully old age. I've fallen off my bike(s) four times, I've gotten sick, better, sick, better and sick again, I've got weird blemishes on my arms I hope aren't Staph (i've been told they aren't), I accidentally took all but two AVAIL songs off my mp3 player, lost use of my phone, and two days ago my bike got stolen with a note saying (bike locked on private fence). I hope this month's better than last.
Rock. The. Fuck. On.
Chuck Ragan (HWM) - See Yourself To The Door
The Unloveables - Dance Party For Two
Deep Blue Something - Breakfast At Tiffany's
Moldy Peaches - Who's Got The Crack?
is the doggie daycare for real?
Wellll... if you take myspace away arent you kinda censoring too? Because you dont agree with what they allow or dont allow or their view points of rightwingism is that enough to get rid of em? I dont use it for the world events. I use it to find out about local artist, music, and to say hi to some dear friends of mine.
I dont use the computers over there but I dunno that seems kinda contradictory.
No, blocking 'myspace' on certain computers is not 'censorship', that's ridiculous. There will always be a few pc's for myspace addicts ... on the contrary, NOT blocking it would be censorship since anyone wanting to use the computers for anything but myspace will be blocked by myspace hogs who seem to have zero regard for others (this is self evident).
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