It's a tragedy when people die, when anyone dies. It's a tragedy when people who lived genuinely anarchist lives and believed in resisting authority die, and sadder when and their death prompts allies to collaborate with police.
The police-- especially the NOPD-- are enemies of the people. This is not only true when you're wearing a "Stop Snitchin'" t-shirt, in ironic homage to black communities' silence in the face of oppression and interrogation; it's true when crime happens to you and "yours." It remains true when someone with your own complexion and economic background is killed. It remains true when kids steal the tip jar from the coffee shop you work at. It remains true when a New Orleanian without adequate mental health care flips out and is shouting at invisible stuff outside the house you rent.
The NOPD will never be part of a solution. Not short-term, not long-term.
Collaboration with the police sells out everything Brydrum LIVED for and fought so hard for. Let's celebrate her rich, bold, uncompromising LIFE, her optimism, and her rejection of authority, including violently repressive authority such as the NOPD. Let's work to eradicate the misogyny and social inequities that leads to tragedies such as her death. Let's not be hypocrites.

The NOPD will never be part of a solution. Not short-term, not long-term.
Collaboration with the police sells out everything Brydrum LIVED for and fought so hard for. Let's celebrate her rich, bold, uncompromising LIFE, her optimism, and her rejection of authority, including violently repressive authority such as the NOPD. Let's work to eradicate the misogyny and social inequities that leads to tragedies such as her death. Let's not be hypocrites.
Labels: enemies, grief, hero of the hour, nopd, the war goes on
for the lighter side of things, Proof the new orleans police department is the real swine flu:
sorry, fixed link,
Proof the new orleans police department is the real swine flu:
Hmmm... I feel like I saw some graffiti about that somewhere...
this is an excellent blog post. when my friend was killed i felt the same way.
i will never give our prison system another body to profit off of. it only makes the system which creates desperation, poverty, and violence stronger.
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